Podcast - The Connection

My Good Practice Podcast

Candid conversations about being vulnerable, pivoting, failures and learnings from other allied practice owners.

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latest episodes!

Episode #5
24 Minutes

Stop doing this in your practice!

I've seen a pattern in allied health practice owners and I want to help you understand it and learn how to stop it!

Episode #4
36 Minutes

Success or Strain: Understanding the break even target in your allied health practice

Today's topic is crucial for any practice owner: understanding the difference between success and strain through the lens of break-even numbers.

Episode #3
19 Minutes

My top interview questions for finding your good eggs

I want to talk to you about the art of interviewing and my top five favourite questions that help uncover the true essence of a candidate.

See all episodes

About the Podcast

As a small business founder and multi-practice owner, I am on a mission to help other practice owners from falling into the trap of having their businesses run their lives.

When I started my own private practice in 2006 I had no idea how to run a business and serve my clients well. I wasted heaps of time ‘being busy’ and doing things the long way round. That is until I met someone who shared their knowledge and resources with me under full transparency.

The podcast is my way of lifting the veil on what it takes to make it as a private practitioner.

On the podcast, we share tips, deeper conversations and wise words to fuel the soul, shift your mindset and inspire you into action so you can continue to create the business and life you enjoy.

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Take A Tour of The Connection

You don’t have to be a member to partake in 1-1 mentoring, events, or courses but we’d sure love to see you inside!


All-access resources and community for every stage of your journey plus weekly, monthly and quarterly programming.


One-on-one support tailored specifically to you and your practice so you can discover your individual pathway.


Retreats and events designed to give you the space you need to step away and work on your business.

Know Your Numbers

Know Your Numbers is a 9-module course to help you understand your money and track your metrics with ease.


Tune in for candid conversations about building allied health businesses and ‘doing good’ along the way.

Quiz: What’s your number one busy blindspot?

Feeling time poor and overwhelmed as an allied health practice owner? Take our 2 minute quiz and find out your busy blindspot (plus get your tailored free report including tips for moving out of your busy-ness!). Hint: Once you know your busy blindspot, you can free yourself from feeling time poor and stressed, and start making the progress you really want.

Coming soon!